The future of Caribbean property and casualty insurance

At a time when Caribbean infrastructure revitalization is critical, the Caribbean property and casualty insurance industry has become more selective than ever before in what they choose to underwrite. How can leaders secure insurance for their most important projects?
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Vaccine inequity will cost lives in small countries

Commonwealth Secretary-General, Baroness Patricia Scotland, calls out health inequality as a human rights concern for small states, as access to life-saving COVID vaccines remains severely hampered in the developing world.
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COVID surge in Barbados points to policy failures

Despite warnings from clinicians, Barbados held on to a too-short quarantine and test protocol when its borders opened last summer. Now, a new surge in COVID cases and deaths begs retrospective policy questions.
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It is time to abandon sanctions on Cuba

President Biden has many difficult problems to address but has said that he wants to pursue a collegiate strategy with partners around the world. By any measure, a unilateral policy that has failed for over 60 years, and which has demonstrably not helped the Cuban people, requires urgent review.
Pressure Increases for Biden to Deal with OAS ouster of Evo Morales

The defeat of Donald Trump in the recent US elections is a reckoning for the OAS and, by extension, the CARICOM Member States that have often broken ranks to support Washington-led interference in Latin America.
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What does the Biden White House hold for the Caribbean?

While the Biden-Harris administration may reverse some of the US’ transactional and divisive foreign policy pursuits, the Caribbean needs to work together if it intends to realize more significant gains with the new administration which, no doubt, will be preoccupied with its domestic crises.
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