AMG is the flagship media property of the Antillean Development Partners Inc., a not-for-profit entity headquartered in Jamaica.
AMG explains the Caribbean through authoritative insights on the issues that shape the region’s politics, markets, and people. We approach the news differently, with an editorial team of researchers and policy analysts that goes beyond the media’s headlines with incisive briefs on the Caribbean’s most important issues.
The Antillean Media Group was incorporated in 2014 as the Caribbean’s youngest media startup, replacing the antillean.org media-advocacy nonprofit which, since 2007, advocated for policy remedies to the social determinants of poverty in the Caribbean.
This legacy continues to shape the Group’s mission to deliver content that instigates policy discussions among decision-makers and Caribbean people at home and abroad. Our thematic priorities centre around fair markets, democracy, good governance, sustainability, human rights and public health, and the Group continues to invest in the development of indigenous Caribbean media properties towards this end.
AMG is liberal, but non-partisan. Our content is a mix of news, research-based insights and op-eds from industry and subject-matter experts. We do not engage in lobbying or political activism, and our editorial arguments and propositions are based on rigour and grounded in evidence. We are editorially independent, and our content is focused on our core thematic priorities, rather than the breaking news model of broadcast media.
AMG is committed to honesty, fairness, and objectivity in its reporting and investigative processes, and we are cognizant of our responsibility to be accountable to our audiences. Our team is guided by these core ethical principles:
Impartiality in news: AMG’s news items are reports of the facts available to us from fair and objective information-gathering. News items are clearly-labelled and are free of editorial argumentation.
Arguments & Insights: Editorial content, whether in AMG’s name or the name of a Staff Writer, is evidence-based and rooted in rigour. Fact and objectivity are mainstays of the arguments and insights presented, and we are committed to impartiality and the preservation of our editorial independence. Arguments or propositions put forward by AMG on policy or political matters are based on merit, without regard to the political proponents of such policies or issues. AMG strictly prohibits direct or indirect lobbying, and it does not engage policymakers or political actors to propose, support or alter any legislation.
Opinion-Editorials are frequently allowed from government representatives, Members of Parliament or diplomats who write in their professional capacity, as matters of public interest. These Op-Eds come with clear disclosures of the author’s affiliations, and a clear distinction is made between Op-Ed content and AMG’s news and editorial content.
Conflicts of interest: Our team includes people who are, or who have been, engaged in policy or political matters. We recognize that this makes it doubly important for us to protect our editorial independence and to mitigate conflicts of interest. Staff members are required to disclose beneficial holdings in corporate entities, affiliations to political parties or previous political roles, and they are precluded from writing on matters directly or tangentially-related to any such potential conflicts in the name of AMG.
Expert contributors retain copyright to their content, and such content may not be reproduced without their permission. All other written content, whether in the name of AMG or its Staff Writers, is the copyright of AMG and republication is strictly prohibited without our written consent. Images are the copyright of the listed photographers, and their individual reuse permissions are clearly indicated. All inquiries related to content re-use should be directed here.