Obama signs new deal for Caribbean engagement

In his administration’s final days, President Obama has signed a bipartisan bill mandating the State Department and US development agency to create an actionable Caribbean strategy
Think pieces on critical matters affecting the Caribbean, its governments and people
In his administration’s final days, President Obama has signed a bipartisan bill mandating the State Department and US development agency to create an actionable Caribbean strategy
The international community’s insistence that Haiti should have a democratically-elected government is warranted, but so too is their responsibility to rebuild the country.
The Caribbean is missing out on a booming marijuana industry, in deference for excessive penalties on its citizens for ganja use
In the midst of a fracas between Jamaica and Trinidad & Tobago, a Commission set up to review Jamaica’s position in the Caribbean Community raises concerns
With the vote to leave the EU, the Caribbean has lost Britain as an ally in the European Union, and it will fall behind the rest of the world in Britain’s new trade treaty negotiations
The Caribbean’s place in a standalone Britain is unpredictable after the UK’s vote to leave the European Union