What should the Caribbean’s agenda be in Obama’s final months?

Caribbean countries need to actively push their key national interests now, rather than pin their hopes on the vision of a new President doing it for them
Think pieces on critical matters affecting the Caribbean, its governments and people
Caribbean countries need to actively push their key national interests now, rather than pin their hopes on the vision of a new President doing it for them
The Mayor of Port of Spain has officially resigned, but there is so much more to do after the placards come down.
Why we should fear a Trump presidency
With links between the Zika virus and fetal abnormalities in babies born to infected mothers, the outbreak has become an issue of reproductive justice for the Caribbean’s women
The Organisation of American States has been running on a perennial deficit for years, and now, it is crunch time
The Paris climate summit may have been a triumph for some nations, but no self-respecting small island state should claim any satisfaction