Small states facing a slide to catastrophe in Paris

Small states will suffer if asked to bear the burden for damage attributable to climate change, warns Antiguan Ambassador.
Think pieces on critical matters affecting the Caribbean, its governments and people
Small states will suffer if asked to bear the burden for damage attributable to climate change, warns Antiguan Ambassador.
Are foreign actors becoming the drivers of the Caribbean’s future?
Venezuela is seeking to strengthen its influence in the Caribbean through generosity that leaves out Guyana.
The 21st Conference of the Parties (COP-21) takes place in Paris from November 30 – December 11. Many are hoping for a binding climate deal – but it all boils down to money.
The Caribbean Women and Sexual Diversity Conference (CWSDC) was developed as a way to amplify the voices of Caribbean lesbian, bisexual, and Trans women from whom we do not often hear.
Can ‘Latin America and the Caribbean’ even be regarded as an integrated economy? If anything, the Caribbean’s fortunes are more tied to the North American economy.